The Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics

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Books and articles about Roman mosaics

This list contains a selection of books and articles on every aspect of Roman mosaic. Works suitable for the general reader and beginner are marked with a crosslet ().

Much information about Roman mosaics is contained within excavation reports relating to individual sites, but this list confines itself to books and articles specifically concerned with mosaics. For references to excavation reports, the reader is referred to the bibliographies in Smith (1969), Ling (1997), and Neal & Cosh 2002–2010, under Romano-British mosaics below. Comprehensive bibliographies of recent publications about mosaics can be found in the regular Bulletins published by AIEMA (L'Association Internationale pour l'Étude de la Mosaïque Antique).

ASPROM is the British section of AIEMA. It publishes an annual journal, Mosaic (1978 to date), containing articles on every aspect of mosaic study. Copies of Mosaic are held in the following libraries: British Library, London; Institute of Classical Studies, London; Institute of Archaeology, London; Society of Antiquaries, London; Sackler Library, Oxford; Arts and Social Studies Library, Cardiff University; National Museum and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff; Reference Library, Bristol; Blegen Library, American School of Classical Studies, Athens; Centro de Estudios Historicos Biblioteca, Madrid; Fine Arts Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.; ICCROM, Rome; Library Periodical Department, University of Haifa, Israel; Library of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem.

You can locate books held in academic libraries in the UK through COPAC. Libraries with major collections of books about Roman mosaics include the following:

London:Institute of Classical Studies webpage online catalogue
Warburg Institutewebpage online catalogue
Society of Antiquarieswebpageonline catalogue
Cambridge:University Library and Classics Faculty Librarywebpageonline catalogue
Manchester:John Rylands University Library webpage online catalogue
Newcastle:University Librarywebpageonline catalogue
Oxford:Sackler Library (formerly Ashmolean Library)webpageonline catalogue

Details of library admissions policies and opening times can be found on their webpages.

Many of the items on this list are to be found in the David J Smith Mosaic Archive (see Mosaic 26 (1999) 15). The core of the Archive is a research collection of books, periodicals, pamphlets, photographs and slides assembled by David Smith, one of the foremost authorities on Roman mosaics; it is kept up to date by regular purchase of specialist mosaic publications and other suitable material, through the financial support of the Roman Research Trust. The Archive is housed in the Institute of Classical Studies, London, and is open on request at the same times as the main library of the Institute; its holdings are included in the Institute's library catalogue.


B. Andreae, Antike Bildmosaiken (Mainz 2003).
S. Aurigemma et al., 'Mosaico e mosaicisti nell'antichità' in Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antico e Orientale (Rome 1967).
M. Avi-Yonah, Ancient Mosaics (London 1975).
C. Bertelli (ed.), Mosaics (New York 1988).
Ph. Bruneau, La mosaïque antique. Lectures en Sorbonne (Paris 1987).
W. Dorigo, Late Roman Painting (London 1971).
K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World (Cambridge 1999).
P. Fischer, Das Mosaik (1969); English edition: Mosaic: History and Technique (London 1971).
P. Gauckler, 'Musivum opus' in Daremberg-Saglio, Dictionnaire d'antiquités III, 2088–2129 (1904).
E. M. Goodwin, Classic Mosaic (London 2000).
P. B. Hetherington, Mosaics (London 1967).
D. Levi, 'Mosaico' in Enciclopedia dell'arte antica V, 209–240 (Rome 1967).
R. Ling, Ancient Mosaics (London 1998).
H. P. L'Orange & P. J. Nordhagen, Mosaics from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages (London 1966).
D. J. Smith, 'Mosaics' in M. Henig (ed.), A Handbook of Roman Art (Oxford 1983), 116–38.

Congresses of the Association Internationale pour l'Étude de la Mosaïque Antique (AIEMA)

M. G. Picard & H. Stern (eds.), La mosaïque gréco-romaine, Paris, 29 août–3 septembre 1963 (Paris 1965).
H. Stern & M. Leglay (eds.), La mosaïque gréco-romaine II, Vienne, 30 août–4 septembre 1971 (Paris 1975).
R. Farioli Campanati (ed.), Il Mosaico Antico. Terzo colloquio internazionale sul mosaico antico, Ravenna, 6–10 settembre 1980 (Ravenna 1983).
J.-P. Darmon & A. Rebourg (eds.), La mosaïque gréco-romaine IV. IVe colloque international pour l'étude de la mosaïque antique, Trèves, 8–14 août 1984 (Paris 1984).
P. Johnson, R. Ling & D. J. Smith (eds.), Fifth International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics held at Bath, England, on September 5–12, 1987, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 9 (Ann Arbor; Part I, 1994; Part II, 1995).
C. M. Batalla (ed.), VI Coloquio Internacional sobre Mosaico Antiguo, Palencia-Mérida, Octubre 1990 (Guadalajara 1994).
M. Ennaïfer & A. Rebourg (eds.), VIIème colloque international pour l'étude de la mosaïque antique, Tunis, 3–7 octobre 1994 (2 volumes, Tunis 1999).
D. Pournier & C. Schmidt (eds.), Actes du VIIIème Colloque International sur la Mosaïque Antique (2 volumes, Lausanne 2001).
H. Morlier (ed.), La mosaïque gréco-romaine IX. Collection de l'École Française de Rome 352 (Paris 2005).
J. Sampaio et al. (eds.), O mosaico romano nos centros e nas periferias: originalidades, influências e identidades. Actas do X Colóquio Internacional da AIEMA, realizado em Conimbriga de 29 de Outubro a 3 de Novembro de 2005 (Lisbon 2011).
M. Şahin (ed.), 11th International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, October 16th–20th, 2009, Bursa, Turkey (Istanbul 2011).
G. Trovabene (ed.), Atti del XII Colloquio AIEMA: Venezia, 11–15 settembre 2012 (Verona 2015).
L. N. Jiménez (ed.), Estudios sobre mosaicos antiguos y medievales. Actas del XIII Congreso Internacional de la AIEMA (Rome 2016).

Design and technique

Mythological themes

G. Amad, Recherches sur le mythe du Phénix dans la mosaïque antique (Montevideo 1988).
I. J. Jesnick, The Image of Orpheus in Roman Mosaic. An Exploration of the Figure of Orpheus in Graeco-Roman Art and Culture with Special Reference to its Expression in the Medium of Mosaic in Late Antiquity. BAR International Series 671 (Oxford 1997).
O. Wattel-de Croizant, Les mosaïques représentant le mythe d'Europe (1er–VIe siècles): Évolution et interprétation des modèles grecs en milieu romain (Paris 1995).


C. Balmelle et al., Le décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine I: Répertoire graphique et descriptif des compositions linéaires et isotropes (Paris 1985).
C. Balmelle et al., Le décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine II: Répertoire graphique et descriptif des décors centrés (Paris 2002).
R. Field, Geometric Patterns from Roman Mosaics and How to Draw Them (Diss, Norfolk 1988).
A. Ovadiah, Geometric and Floral Patterns in Ancient Mosaics (Rome 1980).
A. Simms, Classic Quilts: Patchwork Designs from Ancient Rome (Flint, Michigan 1991).
S. Tebby, Geometric Design in Roman Tessellated Pavements (updated edition, available in print and CD-ROM formats; Lutterworth 2003).
C. Viegas, F. Abraços and M. Macedo, Dicionário de Motivos Geométricos no Mosaico Romano (Conímbriga 1993).

Wall and vault mosaics

F. Sear, Roman Wall and Vault Mosaics, Römische Mitteilungen Ergänzungsheft 23 (Heidelberg 1977).
H. Stern, 'Origins et débuts de la mosaïque murale', Études d'Archéologie Classique 2 (1959) 99–121.

Mosaic production

M. Donderer, Die Mosaizisten der Antike und ihre wirtschaftliche und soziale Stellung (Erlangen 1989).
M. Donderer, Die Mosaizisten der Antike II: epigraphische Quellen, Neufunde und Nachträge (Erlangen 2008).
J. M. C. Toynbee, 'Some notes on artists in the Roman world' in Collection Latomus VI (1951).
Vitruvius, De Architectura VII.1.
R. J. A. Wilson, 'Mosaic, mosaicists and patrons', Journal of Roman Studies 71 (1981)173–77.

Romano-British mosaics

A. J. Beeson, 'Orpheus rediscovered', Minerva Vol. 5 No. 3 (1994) 12–15.
A. J. Beeson and M. Henig, 'Orpheus and the Newton St Loe mosaic pavement in Bristol City Museum' in L. Keen, 'Almost the Richest City.' Bristol in the Middle Ages. British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions 19 (1997) 1–8.
E. W. Black, 'Christian and pagan hopes of salvation in Romano-British mosaics' in M. Henig & A. King (eds.), Pagan Gods and Shrines of the Roman Empire (Oxford 1986) 147–58.
K. Branigan, 'Pavements and poverty in the Chiltern villas', Britannia 2 (1971) 109–16.
N. A. Cookson, Romano-British Mosaics. A Reassessment and Critique of Some Notable Stylistic Affinities. BAR 135 (Oxford 1984).
P. Johnson, Romano-British Mosaics (Princes Risborough 1982; second ed. 1995).
R. T. Eriksen, 'Syncretistic symbolism and the Christian Roman mosaic at Hinton St Mary: a closer reading', PDNHAS 102 (1980) 43–8.
M. Henig, 'Ita intellexit numine inductus tuo: some personal interpretations of deity in Roman religion' in M Henig & A King (eds.), Pagan Gods and Shrines of the Roman Empire (Oxford 1986) 159–69.
P. Johnson, 'The mosaics of Bignor Villa, England: a Gallo-Roman connection' in R. Farioli Campanati (ed.), Il Mosaico Antico. III colloquio internazionale sul mosaico antico (Ravenna 1984) 405–10.
P. Johnson, 'Town mosaics and urban officinae' in S. J. Greep (ed.), Roman Towns: The Wheeler Inheritance. A Review of 50 Years' Research (York 1993) 147–64.
D. E. Johnston, 'The central southern group of Romano-British mosaics' in J. Munby and M. Henig (eds.), Roman Life and Art in Britain. BAR 41(i) (Oxford 1977) 195–215.
R. Ling, 'The Seasons in Romano-British mosaic pavements', Britannia 14 (1983) 13–22.
R. Ling, 'Brading, Brantingham and York: a new look at some fourth-century mosaics', Britannia 22 (1991) 147–57.
R. Ling, 'Mosaics in Roman Britain: discoveries and research since 1945', Britannia 28 (1997), 259–95.
D. S. Neal, 'Floor mosaics' in D. Strong and D. Brown (eds.), Roman Crafts (London 1976) 241–52.
D. S. Neal, Roman Mosaics in Britain. An Introduction to their Schemes and a Catalogue of Paintings (Gloucester 1981).
D. S. Neal, 'A Mosaic from Boughspring Roman Villa, Tidenham, Gloucestershire', Britannia 19 (1988), 191–7.
D. S. Neal & S. R. Cosh, The Roman Mosaics of Britain: the first ever corpus, in 4 volumes (read more).
I: Northern Britain, incorporating the Midlands and East Anglia (London 2002).
II: South-West Britain (London 2006).
III: South-East Britain, including London (London 2009).
IV: Western Britain, including Wales (2010).
A. Rainey, Mosaics in Roman Britain: A Gazetteer (Newton Abbot 1973).
J. Russell, 'The Roman villa at Newton St Loe', Bristol and Avon Archaeology 9 (1992) 2–23.
A. Selkirk, 'Roman mosaics', Current Archaeology No. 157, Vol. XIV.1 (1998)18–25 [about the work of David Neal and Stephen Cosh]
S. Scott, Art and Society in Fourth-Century Britain: Villa Mosaics in Context. Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph No. 53 (Oxford 2000).
D. J. Smith, 'Three fourth century schools of mosaic in Roman Britain' in H. Stern (ed.), La mosaïque gréco-romaine I (Paris 1965) 95–115.
D. J. Smith, 'The mosaic pavements' in A. L. F. Rivet (ed.), The Roman Villa (London 1969) 71–125.
D. J. Smith, The Great Pavement and Roman Villa (Woodchester 1973).
D. J. Smith, 'Roman mosaics in Britain before the fourth century' in H. Stern & M. Le Glay (eds.), La mosaïque gréco-romaine II (Paris 1975) 269–90.
D. J. Smith, 'Mythological figures and scenes in Romano-British mosaics' in J. Munby and M. Henig (eds.), Roman Life and Art in Britain. BAR 41(i) (Oxford 1977) 105–93.
D. J. Smith, 'Romano-British mosaics in the third century' in A. King & M. Henig (eds.), The Roman West in the Third Century. BAR International Series 109 (Oxford 1981) 159–65.
D. J. Smith, 'Orpheus mosaics in Britain' in R. Ginouvès et al., Mosaïque: Recueil d'hommages à Henri Stern (Paris 1983) 315–28.
D. J. Smith, 'Roman mosaics in Britain: a synthesis' in R. Farioli Campanati (ed.), Il Mosaico Antico. III colloquio internazionale sul mosaico antico (Ravenna 1984) 357–80.
D. J. Smith, Roman Mosaics at Hull (Hull 1987).
G. R. Stanton, 'The Newton St Loe pavement', Journal of Roman Studies 26 (1936) 43–6.
R. Stupperich, 'A reconsideration of some fourth-century British mosaics', Britannia 11 (1980) 289–301.
J. M. C. Toynbee, Art in Roman Britain, chapter on 'Mosaics', pls. 206–235 (London 1962).
J. M. C. Toynbee, Art in Britain under the Romans, chapter on 'Floor mosaics', 228–289 (Oxford 1964).
J. M. C. Toynbee, 'Apollo, beasts and seasons: some thoughts on the Littlecote mosaic', Britannia 12 (1981) 1–5.
B. Walters & B. Phillips, Archaeological Excavations in Littlecote Park, Wiltshire 1979 & 1980 Second Interim Report: Studies in Iconography.
B. Walters, 'The Orpheus mosaic in Littlecote Park, England' in R. Farioli Campanati (ed.), Il Mosaico Antico. III colloquio internazionale sul mosaico antico (Ravenna 1984) 433–42.
P. Witts, 'Interpreting the Brading "Abraxas" mosaic', Britannia 25 (1994) 111–17.
P. Witts, 'The lost mythological figures mosaic from Pitney, Somerset', JBAA 148 (1995) 1–5.
P. Witts, Mosaics in Roman Britain: Stories in Stone (Stroud 2005).
P. Witts, A Mosaic Menagerie: Creatures of Land, Sea and Sky in Romano-British Mosaics (Oxford 2016).

Antiquarian studies of British mosaics

J. Buckman & C. H. Newmarch, Illustrations of the Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester, the site of Antient Corinium (London 1850).
W. Fowler, Twenty-Six Plates of Mosaic Pavements (1796–1818).
S. Lysons, Roman Antiquities at Woodchester (London 1797).
S. Lysons, Reliquiae Britannico-Romanae (3 vols, London 1813–17).
T. Morgan, Romano-British Mosaic Pavements: A History of their Discovery and a Record and Interpretation of their Designs (London 1886)
J. E. Price, A Description of the Roman Tessellated Pavement found in Bucklersbury (London 1870).
J. E. Price & F. G. H. Price, A Description of the Remains of Roman Buildings at Morton, near Brading, Isle of Wight (London 1881).
General H. St Clair Baddely, 'The Roman pavement at Woodchester', TBGAS 48 (1927) 75–96.

The Roman Empire


F. Baratte, Catalogue des mosaïques romaines et paléochrétiennes du Musée du Louvre (Paris 1978).
R. Ginouvès et al., Mosaïque: Recueil d'hommages à Henri Stern (Paris 1983).
R. P. Hinks, Catalogue of the Greek, Etruscan and Roman Paintings and Mosaics in the British Museum (London 1933).
J. Lancha, Mosaïque et culture dans l'Occident romain (1er–Ve s.) (Rome 1997).
S. Muth, Erleben von Raum — Leben im Raum: zur Funktion mythologischer Mosaikbilder in der römisch-kaiserzeitlichen Wohnarchitektur (Heidelberg 1998).


J. Aymard, 'La mosaïque de Bellérophon à Nîmes', Gallia 11 (1953) 249–71.
C. Balmelle, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule IV: Aquitaine 1 (Paris 1980).
C. Balmelle, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule IV: Aquitaine 2 (Paris 1987).
M. Blanchard-Lemée, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule II: Lyonnaise 4 (Paris 1990).
J.-P. Darmon, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule II: Lyonnaise 5 (Paris 1994).
J.-P. Darmon & H. Lavagne, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule II: Lyonnaise 3 (Paris 1977).
P. Gauckler, Inventaire des mosaïques de la Gaule et de l'Afrique (Paris 1910).
J. Lancha, Mosaïque géométriques. Les ateliers de Vienne (Isère) (Rome 1977).
J. Lancha, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule III: Narbonnaise 2 (Paris 1981).
J. Lancha, Les mosaïques de Vienne (Lyon 1990).
H. Lavagne, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule III: Narbonnaise 1 (Paris 1979).
H. Lavagne, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule III: Narbonnaise 3 (Paris 2000).
H. Stern, 'La mosaïque d'Orphée de Blanzy-lès-Fismes', Gallia 13 (1955) 41–77.
H. Stern, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule I: Gaule-Belgique 1 (Paris 1979).
H. Stern and M. Blanchard-Lemée, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule II: Lyonnaise 2 (Paris 1975).

Germany, Austria, Hungary & Switzerland

L. Berger & M. Joos, Das Augster Gladiatorenmosaik (Augst 1971).
S. Delbarre-Bärtschi, Les mosaïques romaines en Suisse. Avec un complément de l'inventaire de Victorine von Gonzenbach, publié en 1961 (Basel 2014).
O. Dopplefeld, The Dionysiac Mosaic at Cologne Cathedral (Cologne 1967).
P. Hoffman, Römische Mosaike im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Trier (Trier 1999).
P. Hoffman, J. Hupe & K. Goethert, Römische Mosaike aus Trier (Trier 1999).
H. G. Horn, Mysteriensymbolik auf dem Kölner Dionysosmosaik (Bonn 1972).
W. Jobst, Antike Mosaikkunst in Österreich (Vienna 1985).
A. Kiss, Roman Mosaics in Hungary (Budapest 1973).
Kl. Parlasca, Die römischen Mosaiken in Deutschland (Berlin 1959).
S. Rebetez, Mosaïques. Documents du Musée romain d'Avenches no. 2 (Avenches 1997).
D. Schmid, Die römischen Mosaiken aus Augst under Kaiseraugst (Augst 1993).
V. von Gonzenbach, Die römischen Mosaiken der Schweiz (Basel 1961).

Spain & Portugal

J. M. Alvarez-Martinez, Mosaicos romanos de Merida, nuevos hallazgos (Madrid 1990).
J. M. Bairrão Oleiro, Conímbriga—Casa dos Repuxos (Conímbriga 1992).
A. Blanco Freijeiro, Mosaicos romanos de Mérida. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo I (Madrid 1978).
A. Blanco Freijeiro, Mosaicos romanos de Italica (I). Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo II (Madrid 1978).
J. M. Blazquez, Mosaicos romanos de Cordoba, Jaen y Malaga. Corpus de Mosaicos de España, fasciculo III (Madrid 1981).
J. M. Blazquez, Mosaicos romanos de Sevilla, Granada, Cadiz y Murcia. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo IV (Madrid 1982).
J. M. Blazquez, Mosaicos romanos de la Real Academia de la Historia, Ciudad Real, Toledo, Madrid y Cuenca. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo V (Madrid 1982).
J. M. Blazquez and Y. Ortego, Mosaicos romanos de Soria. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo VI (Madrid 1983).
J. M. Blazquez and M. A. Mezquiriz, Mosaicos romanos de Navarra. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo VII (Madrid 1985).
J. M. Blazquez et al., Mosaicos romanos de Lerida y Albacete. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo VIII (Madrid 1989).
J. M. Blazquez et al., Mosaicos romanos de Museo Arqueologico Nacional. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo IX (Madrid 1989).
J. M. Blazquez et al., Mosaicos romanos de Leon y Asturias. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo X (Madrid 1993).
C. de la Casa Martinez & D. Fernández Galiano Ruiz, Mosaicos romanos: estudios sobre iconografia. Actas del Homenaje in Memoriam de Alberto Balil Illana (Guadalajara 1990).
M. Duran, Iconografía de los mosaicos romanos en la Hispania alto-imperial (Barcelona 1993).
G. López Monteagudo, R. Navarro Sáez & P. de Palol Salellas, Mosaicos romanos de Burgos. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo XII (Madrid 1998).
C. Macmillan, Mosaïques romaines de Portugal (Paris 1986).
M. L. Neira & T. Mañanes, Mosaicos romanos de Valladolid. Corpus de Mosaicos romanos de España, fasciculo XI (Madrid 1998).
M.-H. Quet, La mosaïque cosmologique de Mérida: propositions de lecture (Paris 1981).

Italy & Sicily

The Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico (AISCOM) publishes a series of volumes containing the proceedings of its annual conferences (15 vols, Ravenna/Bordighera/Tivoli, 1994–).
G. Becatti, Scavi di Ostia IV: Mosaici e Pavimenti Marmorei (2 volumes, Rome 1961).
M. E. Blake, 'The pavements of the Roman buildings of the Republic and early Empire', Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 8 (1930) 7–159.
M. E. Blake, 'Roman mosaics of the second century in Italy', Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 13 (1936) 67–214.
M. E. Blake, 'Roman mosaics of the late Empire in Rome and vicinity', Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 17 (1940) 81–130.
A. Carandini, A. Ricci & M. De Vos, Filosofiana: La Villa de Piazza Armerina (Palermo 1982).
J. R. Clark, Roman Black-and-White Figural Mosaics (New York 1979).
A. Cocchiaro et al., Tappeti di pietra: I mosaici di Taranto romana (Fasano, Brindisi 1989).
M. David, I pavimenti decorati di Milano antica. I secolo a.C.–VI secolo d.C. (Milan 1996).
M. De Franceschini, Villa Adriana: Mosaici—Pavimenti—Edifici (Rome 1991).
M. Donderer, Die Chronologie der römischen Mosaiken in Venetien und Istrien bis zur Zeit der Antonine (Berlin 1986).
G. V. Gentili, La Villa Erculia di Piazza Armerina, I mosaici figurati (Rome 1959).
G. Gullini, I mosaici di Palestrina, Archeologia Classica Supplement 1 (Rome 1956)
H. Joyce, The Decoration of Walls, Ceilings and Floors in Italy in the Second and Third Centuries AD (Rome 1981).
M. Marini Calvani & M. G. Maioli, I Mosaici di Via d'Azeglio in Ravenna (Ravenna 1995).
W. Oakeshott, The Mosaics of Rome (London 1967).
B. Pace, Piazza Armerina (Rome 1955).
Pompei: pitture e mosaici (10 vols, Rome 1990–2003).
various authors, Mosaici antichi in Italia (Rome 1967–).
D. von Boeselager, Antike Mosaiken in Sizilien. Hellenismus und römische Kaiserzeit (Rome 1983).
R. J. A. Wilson, Piazza Armerina (London 1983).


G. Åkerström-Hougen, The Calendar and Hunting Mosaics of the Villa of the Falconer in Argos (Stockholm 1974).
S. Charitonidis, L. Kahil & R. Ginouvès, Les mosaïques de la Maison du Ménandre à Mytilène (Berne 1970).
L. M. De Matteis, Mosaici di Cos: dagli scavi delle missioni italiane e tedesche (1900–1945) (Athens 2004).
G. Hellenkemper Salies, 'Römische Mosaiken im Griechenland', Bonner Jahrbücher 186 (1986) 241–284.
R. Sweetman, 'The Roman mosaics of the Knossos Valley', Annual of the British School at Athens 98 (2003) 517–547.
R. Sweetman, The Mosaics of Roman Crete: Art, Archaeology and Social Change (Cambridge 2013).
O. Wattel-de Croizant & I. Jesnick, 'The mosaics of the House of Mourabas in Sparta: Orpheus and Europa', JBAA 144 (1991) 92–106.
S. E. Waywell, 'Roman mosaics in Greece', American Journal of Archaeology 83 (1979) 293–321.


W. A. Daszewski, Dionysos der Erlöser. Griechische Mythen in spätantiken Cypern (Mainz am Rhein 1985).
W. A. Daszewski & D. Michaelides, Mosaic Floors in Cyprus (Ravenna 1988).
C. Kondoleon, Domestic and Divine: Roman Mosaics in the House of Dionysos (Ithaca & London 1995).
D. Michaelides, Cypriot Mosaics (Nicosia 1987; revised edition 1992).


L. Becker & C. Kondoleon (eds.), The Arts of Antioch: Art Historical and Scientific Approaches to Roman Mosaics and a Catalogue of the Worcester Art Museum Antioch Collection (Princeton 2005).
O. Bingöl, Malerei und Mosaik der Antike in der Türkei (Mainz 1997).
L. Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien, Band I (Recklinghausen 1969); Band II (Recklinghausen 1972).
S. D. Campbell, The Mosaics of Antioch, Subsidia Mediaevalia 15 (Toronto 1988).
S. D. Campbell, The Mosaics of Aphrodisias in Caria, Subsidia Mediaevalia 18 (Toronto 1991).
S. D. Campbell, The Mosaics of Anemurium, Subsidia Mediaevalia 25 (Toronto 1998).
F. Cimok (ed.), Antioch Mosaics (Istanbul 1996; 2nd ed. 2004).
F. Cimok (ed.), Antioch Mosaics: A Corpus (Istanbul 2000).
F. Cimok (ed.), Mosaics in Istanbul (Istanbul 1997).
R. Ergec, Belkis-Zeugma and its Mosaics (Gaziantep 2007).
W. Jobst, B. Erdal & C. Gurtner, Istanbul: The Great Palace Mosaic (Istanbul 1997).
I. Lavin, 'Antioch hunting mosaics and their sources', Dumbarton Oaks Papers 17 (1963) 181–285.
D. Levi, Antioch Mosaic Pavements (Princeton 1947).
A.-M. Manière-Lévêque, Corpus of the Mosaics of Turkey, Volume 2. Lycia: Xanthos, Part 2: The West Area (Bursa 2012).
C. R. Morey, Mosaics of Antioch (New York 1938).
M. Önal, Zeugma Mosaics: A Corpus (Istanbul 2009).
M.-P. Raynaud, Corpus of the Mosaics of Turkey, Volume 1. Lycia: Xanthos, Part 1: The East Basilica (Bursa 2009).
V. Scheibelreiter-Gail, Die Mosaiken Westkleinasiens: Tessellate des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis Anfang des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. (Vienna 2011).
E. Yücel, The Great Palace Mosaic Museum (Istanbul 1987).

Israel, Syria, Jordan & Egypt

J. Balty, Mosaïques antiques de Syrie (Brussels 1977).
J. Balty, Mosaïques d'Apamée: Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, guide du visiteur (Brussels 1986).
J. Balty, Mosaïques antiques du Proche-Orient: chronologie, iconographie, interprétation (Paris 1995).
G. W. Bowersock, Mosaics as History: The Near East from Late Antiquity to Islam (Cambridge, Mass., 2006).
W. A. Daszewski, Corpus of Mosaics from Egypt I: Hellenistic and Early Roman Period, Aegyptiaca Treverensia 3 (Mainz 1985).
H. Donner, The Mosaic Map of Madaba: An Introductory Guide (Kampen, Netherlands 1992).
HRH Princess S. el Hassan & M. Piccirillo, The Mosaics of Jordan (London 1993).
A. M. Madden, Corpus of Byzantine Church Mosaic Pavements from Israel and the Palestinian Territories (Leuven 2014).
R. & A. Ovadiah, Mosaic Pavements in Israel (Rome 1987).
R. & A. Ovadiah, Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements in Israel (Rome 1987).
M. Piccirillo, I mosaici di Giordania (Rome 1986).
M. Piccirillo, The Mosaics of Jordan (Amman 1993).

North Africa

M. Alexander et al., Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie: Utique. Insulae I–II–III (Tunis 1973).
M. Alexander et al., Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie: Utique. Les mosaïques sans localisation precise et El Alia (Tunis 1976).
M. Alexander et al., Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie: Thuburbo Majus. Les mosaïques de la région du Forum (Tunis 1980).
M. Alexander et al., Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie: Thuburbo Majus. Les mosaïques de la région des Grands Thermes (Tunis 1985).
S. Aurigemma, I mosaici di Zliten (Rome & Milan 1926).
S. Aurigemma, L'Italia in Africa. Le scoperte archeologiche. Tripolitania I, I monumenti d'arte decorativa 1: I mosaici (Rome 1960).
C. Balmelle, A. Ben Abed-Ben Khader et al. (eds.), Recherches franco-tunisiennes sur la mosaïque de l'Afrique antique I: Xenia. Collection de l'École Française de Rome 125 (Rome 1990).
A. Ben Abed-Ben Khader et al. (eds.), Recherches franco-tunisiennes sur la mosaïque de l'Afrique antique II: Trames géométriques végétalisées. Collection de l'École Française de Rome 288 (Rome 2001).
A. Ben Abed-Ben Khader & D. Soren (eds.), Carthage: A Mosaic of Ancient Tunisia (New York & London 1987).
A. Ben Abed-Ben Khader, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie: Thuburbo Majus. Les mosaïques dans la région ouest (Tunis 1987).
A. Ben Abed (ed.), Stories in Stone. Conserving Mosaics of Roman Africa. Masterpieces from the National Museums of Tunisia (Los Angeles 2006).
A. Ben Abed, Tunisian Mosaics: Treasures from Roman Africa (Los Angeles 2006).
M. Blanchard-Lemée, Maisons à mosaïques du Quartier Central de Djemila (Cuicul) (Aix-en-Provence 1975).
M. Blanchard-Lemée et al., Sols de l'Afrique romaine: Mosaïques de Tunisie (Paris 1995); English edition: Mosaics of Roman Africa: Floor Mosaics from Tunisia (London & New York 1996).
J.-P. Darmon, Nymfarum Domus: Les pavements de la Maison des Nymphes à Néapolis (Nabeul, Tunisie) et leur lecture (Leiden 1980).
C. Duliere, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie: Utique. Les mosaïques in situ en dehors des Insulae I–II–III (Tunis 1974).
C. Duliere & H. Slim, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie: Thysdrus (El Djem). Quartier sud-ouest (Tunis 1996).
K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa: Studies in Iconography and Patronage (Oxford 1978).
M. H. Fantar et al., La mosaïque en Tunisie (Paris & Tunis 1994).
S. Ferdi, Corpus des mosaïques de Cherchel (Paris 2005).
L. Foucher, Inventaire des Mosaïques: Sousse Institut National d'Archéologie et Arts Tunis. Feuille No. 57 de l'Atlas Archéologique (Tunis 1960).
L. Foucher, La Maison de la Procession Dionysiaque à El Jem. Publications de l'Université de Tunis Faculté des Lettres, 1re série: Archéologie, Histoire Vol. XI (Paris 1963).
L. Foucher, Découvertes archéologiques à Thysdrus en 1960. Institut d'Archéologie Tunis, Notes et documents Vol. IV (nouvelle série) (Tunis nd).
G. Fradier, Mosaïques romaines de Tunisie (Tunis 1986).
P. Gauckler, Inventaire des Mosaïques de la Gaule et de l'Afrique (Paris 1910).
R. Hanoune, Recherches archéologiques franco-tunisiennes à Bulla Regia IV: Les mosaïques 1. Collection de l'École Française de Rome 28/IV (Rome 1980).
H. Limane, R. Rebuffat & D. Drocourt, Volubilis de mosaïque à mosaïque (Casablanca 1998).
D. Michaelides, Excavations at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice) Volume IV, Part 1: The Mosaic and Marble Floors (Tripoli & London 1998).
D. Parrish, Season Mosaics of Roman North Africa (Rome 1984).
J. W. Salomonson, La Mosaïque aux Chevaux de l'Antiquarium de Carthage (The Hague 1965).
F. Venturini, I mosaici di Cirene di età ellenistica e romana: un secolo di scoperte (Rome 2013).

Conservation of mosaics

ICCROM, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, 1977. Mosaics No. 1: Deterioration and Conservation (Rome: ICCROM).
ICCROM, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, 1981. Mosaics No. 2: Safeguard, Carthage 1978, Perigueux 1980 (Rome: ICCROM).
ICCROM, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, 1985. Mosaics No. 3: Conservation in Situ, Aquileia 1983 (Rome: ICCROM).
SIA, Servicio de Investigaciones Arqueologicias Diputacion Provincial de Soria 1987. Mosaics No. 4: Conservation in Situ, Soria 1986 (Soria: SIA).
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics Newsletter 1–6 (Rome: ICCROM).
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics Newsletter 7 (Soria: SIA).
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics Newsletter 8 (Littlecote: Roman Research Trust).
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics Newsletter 9 (Rome: ICCROM).
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics Newsletter 10 (Rome: ICCROM).
J. Ashurst, Mortars, Plaster and Render in Conservation (London 1983).
A. Ben Abed, M. Demas & T. Roby (eds.), Lessons Learned: Reflecting on the Theory and Practice of Mosaic Conservation. Proceedings of the 9th ICCM Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, November 29–December 3, 2005 (Los Angeles 2008).
J. Cronyn, 'Siliceous and related materials' in Elements of Archaeological Conservation (London 1990) 118–25.
D. Goodburn Brown, 'The lifting of Roman floor and wall structures' in R. Payton (ed.), Retrieval of Objects from Archaeological Sites (London 1992).
D. Michaelides (ed.), Mosaics Make a Site: The Conservation in situ of Mosaics on Archaeological Sites. Proceedings of the VIth ICCM Conference, 1996 (Rome 2003).
V. Munday, 'General guidelines on the handling of objects' in S. Bradley (ed.), A Guide to the Storage, Exhibition and Handling of Antiquities, Ethnographia and Pictorial Art, British Museum Occasional Paper No. 66 (London 1990)
V. Munday, 'Review of the 4th General Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (Merida and Palencia 1990)' in Conservation News (1991) 44.
V. Munday & J. Dinsmore, 'Stone, wall-paintings and mosaics' in S. Bradley (ed.), A Guide to the Storage, Exhibition and Handling of Antiquities, Ethnographia and Pictorial Art. British Museum Occasional Paper No. 66 (London 1990).
N. Stanley Price (ed.), The Conservation of the Orpheus Mosaic at Paphos, Cyprus (Malibu 1991).

This list was compiled by Ilona Jesnick, and updated by Patricia Witts and Ruth Westgate.
The section on Conservation was compiled by Valerie Munday.
This page is maintained by Ruth Westgate. Last modified 8 August 2017.