Grants for the study, conservation and presentation of ancient mosaics
Terms and conditions
- Grants up to a maximum value of £500 are available, as and when the Association’s funds permit, to support projects relating to ancient mosaics. There are two types of grant:
- Grants to individuals to support the costs of travel and/or publication (e.g. photographs) relating to the study of ancient mosaics and/or work on the conservation or preservation of mosaics.
- Grants to UK museums or sites to support the costs of one-off or ongoing projects relating to the presentation, conservation or study of ancient mosaics.
- Eligibility:
- Applicants for individual grants should be ASPROM members and doing research for a degree and/or for the publication of a book or article on ancient mosaics, or participating in a project to conserve or preserve mosaics.
- Applicants for museum or site grants can be the owner or director of the museum or site, an organisation that supports the work of the museum or site, or an individual acting on behalf of a museum or site.
- Applications for retrospective funding will not be eligible. Successful applicants for individual grants will receive payment prior to the proposed expenditure and will be required to submit receipts afterwards; any money not used is to be returned to ASPROM. Successful applicants for museum or site grants will be awarded grants prior to the proposed expenditure and will be required to submit receipts for reimbursement afterwards. It is expected that grants will normally be spent within a year of their award.
- Applicants must apply to the Honorary Secretary by the deadline, using the appropriate application form (see below). Applicants for individual grants must also ask their referees to write directly to the Secretary by the deadline. Applicants for site or museum grants should name a referee who can be contacted if necessary.
- Successful applicants will be expected to submit a short illustrated report on their research or the use of the grant, suitable for publication in the journal Mosaic or the ASPROM Newsletter, or an agreed alternative such as a talk at one of ASPROM’s symposia. An acknowledgment of the financial contribution from ASPROM should be included in any resulting publication or publicly displayed at the museum or site as appropriate.
- Awards are made twice per year. Applications will be considered by a sub-committee which will make recommendations to the spring and autumn meetings of the ASPROM Executive Committee. The deadlines for applications are 31 January for consideration in March, and 31 August for the October meeting. Successful candidates will be notified as soon as possible after that.
Application form for individuals:
Word file
Rich Text file
pdf file
Application form for museums or sites:
Word file
Rich Text file
pdf file
Please send completed application forms via email to the Honorary Secretary, Dr Norman Taylor, at
You can see a list of the projects we have funded here.
UK registered charity no. 802883
This page is maintained by Ruth Westgate. Last modified 20 December 2022.